Running Camp

Jason had only been on the cross country team for one semester before the school year ended. He wasn’t the fastest runner, but he did allright. The star of the team, Steve, was a speed god. He outpaced everyone. His body was magnificent, and Jason had a hard time not staring in the locker rooms after practice. He had twice the muscle mass of Jason, and it looked like he was cut from marble. Jason always had to race home and beat off. That summer, all new team members were required to go to running camp to improve their skills. Jason was concerned by this. He was the only noob on the team. Four weeks, in the mountains, with the best runners in the school? He’d be humiliated every day. Things got worse when he arrived at the secluded camp. They were paired up, two guys per cabin…and he was paired with Steve. There was no way he’d be able to conceal his hardons for a month! He’d be outed for sure! It didn’t take that long. The second night, after a painfully long, hot day, Ja...