Adam had been undercover with the drug cartel for eight months, posing as a low-level enforcer. In that position, he’d been able to find people in the organization willing to snitch and quietly “disappear” them into the hands of his fellow agents at the DEA. One day a “big fish” in the organization was revealed to be a fellow undercover agent, working for a different branch of law enforcement. Or so it seemed. Faced with a chance to do real damage to the cartel, Adam let his guard down. It was all staged. He was exposed! “Tell me how much the agency knows, pig !” Adam didn’t answer. One of the crew rammed a crowbar into the meat of his thigh again, bruising the massive muscles. Adam grunted in pain, but stayed silent. His captor reached out with one gloved hand and grabbed Adam’s large balls, crushing them painfully. “Talk pig, and you might get to keep these for a while longer!” Adam gritted his teeth against the agony, squeezing his eyes shut, still saying nothing. He...